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CCSI Director

Mudasser Naseer

Art & Craft

Mr.Mudassar Naseer has extensive experience of 12 years for crime scene investigations and imparting training to different law enforcement agencies.

Previously was supervisor of crime scene investigation unit at Punjab Forensic Science Agency (PFSA), Pakistan. While working with PFSA he processed thousands of cases including high profile rape, suicide blasts, gaseous blasts, train and plane crash cases. 

He completed his Master’s in science from Agriculture university Faisalabad. His postgraduate was in molecular biology and biotechnology with research work on DNA quantitation and profiling from saliva stains on different edibles.

 He played a vital role in training of counter terrorism department (CTD) Punjab corporals. He trained and delivered lectures to intelligence personnel.

He is IAI certified crime scene investigator. He is expert in Vehicle number identification (VIN) processing. He is also adept in processing latent fingerprints. He is member of many professional organizations like AAFS, IAI and IHIA. He is active research worker and publishes his work time to time.


CCSI Director

Mr. Mudasser Naseer is a highly skilled Internationally Certified (IAI) CCSI Director on scene forensics with over 10 years of experience in forensic science. Haris's expertise lies in analyzing crime scenes, collecting and preserving critical evidence, and using forensic techniques and skills in processing crime scenes.

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